Konrad (KC02)
Konrad is a very experienced expert in the construction branch. He is running his own construction services for many years. He specializes in thermal and water-resistant insulation as well as making industrial floors in epoxy and polyurethane resin technology. He is able to construct foundations, perform painting, filling, insulation, tiling and paving. He installs basic water and electrical systems as well as various elements: windows, doors, floors. He has the ability to solve any problem on the construction site using specialized methods. Konrad has many courses and trainings. He acquired his experience while working on many projects and private orders from clients. For many years he was an investment adviser, thanks to this he knows the problems that occur on construction sites and private properties and how to fix them. Konrad is also a excellent windows and doors fitter. He has practical skills and has received training in this field. He installs doors and windows very well, and performs various woodworking. In addition, he can install water-sewage connections and performs professional interior finishing. Konrad speaks Russian and Ukrainian at level B1.

Professional experience
TOTAL YEARS in the construction branch: 10 years
- Renovations of terraces and balconies in Sika and Botam technology
- Making of industrial floors in Sika technology
- Installation of windows and doors: Drutex, Polskone, Illbruck
- Thermomodernization of building partitions with polystyrene and wool
- Insulation of the roof slope using the Rigips, Siniat technology
- Making of PP pipes connections
- Plastering of interior walls
- Installation of facade cladding in CRH Klinkier and Elastolith technology
- Selection of suitable construction technology
- Identification of the cause and removal of fungus of building partitions
- Repairs of balconies and terraces in Sopro, Botament technology
- Replacement of windows along with solving problems of thermal insulation in old buildings
- Floor repairs and making resin floors in Megachemie, SIKA technology
- Thermomodernization of old buildings in Organika, Rockwool technology
- Installation of insulation of attics in the technologies of Isover, Rockwool, Rigips
- Renovation of the roof slope with simultaneous installation of Velux and Fakro roof windows
- Tiling and filling in residential houses
- Construction of foundations and insulation of it
- Montage of basic water and electrical installations
- Installation of insulation with wool and polystyrene
- Installation of windows and doors
- Laying paving stones and clinker
- Providing the best solutions for problems related to the construction process, based on practical and theoretical experience
- Expert advice regarding implementation errors
- Cost estimation of construction projects
- Carrying out and finalizing intra-Community and export transactions: Lithuania, Sweden, Norway, Scotland, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany
- Performing plans of sales strategy in terms of turnover - margin
- Negotiating the commercial terms for investment contracts with the producers: Rockwool, RIGIPS, MONIER, Isover, Leier, Wienerberger, XELLA, Organika, Swisspor, Kreisel, Bolix, WEBER, Creaton, H + H, Amerblock, Soporo, Botament, Silikaty Group, Organika, Techbud, ISOVER, MDM
- Negotiating commercial and investment contracts

Konrad is a multi-talented worker in the construction industry. He has great skills as a carpenter, tiler, facade fitter and insulation fitter. He is able to perform tasks such as: tiling and filling, construction of foundations, assembly of basic water and electrical installations, installation of insulation, windows and doors as well as laying paving stones and clinker. He has been running his own construction business for many years. He performed his services throughout Poland and Ukraine. He has extensive experience in the selection of appropriate solutions for specific construction works. Konrad was also an investment adviser for many years. He helped solve problems on construction projects and cooperated with many companies in the construction industry. He has huge amount of courses and certificates.
Konrad's achievement is certification and launching on the Ukrainian market DRUTEX products offering products like doors and windows. His work has been praised and performed at a very high level. He always finds a solution to problems on clients projects and helps them to choose the right outcome for the situation.
Russian B1
Ukrainian B1
English A1

High school
- Renovations of balconies nad terraces in SIKA technology
- Installation of roof windows FAKRO
- Installation of plasterboard walls in RIGIPS technology
- Human resources management (recruitment and periodic assessments)
- ``Interpersonal communication and time management - the basis of mature employee teams.`` course
- ``Interpersonal communication and time management - the basis of mature employee teams - Non-financial motivation`` course
- Modern customer service techniques
- Sales techniques course
- doctorQ - ``Computer skills``
- Sopro - ``use of Sopro materials``
- FAKRO - ``Correct installation of FPP preSelect windows, PVC in various types of roofing``
- VELUX - ``Correct installation of VELUX windows``
- MEGACHEMIE - ``In the field of industrial floors``
- CERESIT - ``In the field of using CERESIT materials``
- ROCKWOOL - ``Energy saving Rockwool solutions``
- WHIRPOOL - ``The art of sale``
- REYMIX - ``Modern methods of preparing masonry and plastering mortars

Konrad has been dealing with consultancy for construction companies and searching for the best solutions for many years. It also became his hobby. In his free time he likes fishing and skiing. When he was travelling to tropical countries, diving became his passion, he has unforgettable experiences connected with it. He has been actively spending time on water, and has recently been sailing.